Year 1970 Anime
Akakichi no Eleven
At Shinsei high school, soccer is almost a combat sport and new team coach Teppei Matsuki is a fully paid up sadist who will push his team a...
Attack No.1: Namida no Sekai Senshuken
The third Attack No.1 recap film. This covers the championship arc in New York where the All Japan team plays against the Soviet Union.
Attack No.1 (1970)
The first recap film of Attack No.1 , it covers the first 6 episodes of the TV anime. Kozue is a high school girl and an enthusiastic volley...
Attack No.1: Namida no Kaiten Receive
The 2nd Attack No.1 recap film. This covers episode 7-14 of the original TV series.
Attack No.1
Tomorrow's Joe