Studio Super Normal Studio Anime
Chou Futsuu Ken Chiba Densetsu
In the seemingly ordinary Prefecture Chiba, where life moves at its own relaxed pace, meet Shikawa Akoâa high school student with an unrem...
Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu
This eccentric anime comedy tracks the adventures of middle school girls and their mysterious companions as they attend a junior high school...
Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu: Kashiwa no Gotouji Yuru Anime
Original videos featuring the cast of Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu that showcase local businesses in Kashiwa.
Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu R
A gag anime set in Kashiwa, featuring high school girls and mysterious creatures. (Source: Chou Futsuu Toshi Kashiwa Densetsu Wiki)